Cleaning company formation cost in Turkey and necessary permits

  • 08.02.2024

Cleaning company formation cost in Turkey and necessary permits



          Everything about establishing a Cleaning company in Turkey is in this article. What is the establishment cost of the Cleaningcompany? What are the required permissions? If you are looking for answers to such questions, we will cover all the details about it in this article.


              The most curious questions of entrepreneurs regarding the establishment of a Cleaning company in Turkey; How to set up a Cleaning company? What documents are required to establish a Cleaning company? How much are Cleaning company establishment expenses? How much are Cleaning company registration fees? What permits do I need to set up a Cleaning company? In how many days does the Cleaning company tax plate come out? Can I set up a Cleaning company as a single person? How much are the monthly expenses of the Cleaning company? are such questions.


            If you are wondering about the establishment of the Cleaning company, we hope that this article, which we have prepared with the most up-to-date data, will provide you with a roadmap and guide.


              Following the steps below to establish a Cleaning company will help you complete the process quickly and healthily. However, as it is known, our legislation is in a dynamic structure and new laws are enacted every day. For this reason, it is worth noting that when you decide to establish a Cleaning company, there may be some changes within the scope of the legislation.




Establishment of Cleaning company in Turkey



1. Determination of Accountant


              For the establishment of a Cleaning company, first of all, you should contact an experienced certified public accountant and make an agreement for the establishment and accounting processes of the company.


                Working with a Financial Advisor is a legal requirement as they are responsible for the accounting processes of the Cleaning company, the preparation and submission of tax returns.


                  An experienced financial adviser will ensure that your Cleaning company is legally established and will protect your business against financial risks. He will guide and guide you in official matters.



    2. Which type of company should I choose for Cleaningcompany?


          To establish a Cleaning company in Turkey, you can also choose one of the capital companies such as Limited Liability Company or Joint Stock Company.


                The most preferred type of company in Turkey to establish a Cleaning company is the Limited company type. Limited companies are preferred because they are much more prestigious and have a fixed corporate tax rate.



3. Determination of the establishment address of the Cleaning company


          According to Turkish laws, company registration cannot be made without a workplace address. Therefore, when establishing a company, you must determine the legal business address where your Cleaning company will be registered.


       For your Cleaning company, you can rent an office or shop. If you don't need a shop, you can choose a virtual office address, which is a more cost-effective alternative. The use of a virtual office address is legal. Since it is a very cost-effective alternative, Cleaning company is highly preferred by entrepreneurs who set up a Cleaning company.



4. How much is the total cost to set up a Cleaning company in Turkey?


     The total cost required to set up a Cleaning company varies depending on the type of company.


         If a limited company is preferred, you can establish your Cleaning company as a limited liability company with a cost of approximately four hundred fifty USD, according to the minimum expense items in 2023.


            If a Joint Stock Company is preferred, you can establish an establishment with a cost of approximately five hundred fifty USD, according to the minimum costs in 2023. In the establishment of joint stock companies, it is obligatory to block at least one quarter of the capital. Since the post-registration capital fee can be withdrawn from the bank on the same day, it is not included in the cost.



5. In how many days does the establishment of a Cleaning company in Turkey be completed?


       The establishment of limited companies takes approximately 3 or 4 working days. If a joint stock company is preferred, the processes are completed within an average of 4 or five working days.



6. What are the documents required for the establishment of a Cleaning company in Turkey?


      Documents required for Cleaning company registration procedures;


-Original passport of the founder

- Turkish Translation of Passport Notarized

- Three photos (white background)

- Workplace lease agreement

- Founder's Türkiye Tax number


Note : If you come with your passport to our office enough. We are preparing all necessary documents.



7. What are the monthly costs of Cleaning company in Turkey?


   After the registration of your Cleaning company, there will be some monthly and periodic fees, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER PUT INVOICES. Some of the costs are fixed every month.


    Some expenses vary according to criteria such as the size of the Cleaning company, the number of invoices, and the number of personnel.


      The monthly fixed expenses of the Cleaning company are as follows (2023);


- VAT STAMP TAX ; two hundred TL (monthly)

- Temporary STAMP TAX; four hundred TL (three months)

- Withholding Tax STAMP TAX; You can calculate around six hundred TL. (Quarterly. However, if there is staff, the declaration is given every month.)

- Accountant Fee; Monthly. It is determined by criteria such as the type of company, number of workers, number of invoices. Ask for price)

- Book certification, notary expenses and annual expense contribution; It varies according to the size of the company and its features.


IMPORTANT ; These costs are the monthly fixed costs of a Cleaning company with no sales invoices. In addition, there will be expenses according to the size of the company's activity volume, which are formed according to criteria such as the size of the company, the number of invoices, the amount of income, the number of personnel.



8. Is it compulsory to employ workers in a Cleaning company in Turkey?


         After establishing a Cleaning company, there is no obligation to employ workers. If you do not need workers, you can carry out the activities yourself as a founder. You can set up your own company and carry out commercial transactions



        You can contact us to establish a Cleaning company in Turkey. We prepare a detailed cost table for your business FREE OF CHARGE.





Cleaning company, company, establishment, costs, how to set up an Cleaning company in Turkey? What are the documents required to establish an Cleaning company in Turkey? How much does it cost to establish an Cleaning company in Turkey? Cleaning company opening fees? Required to set up an Cleaning company